Business Retention & Expansion
The GGEDC Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) Outreach Program is fundamental to helping industry in McKinley County thrive. Specific goals of the BRE program are to build partnerships with economic-base companies, support the expansion plans of local companies, and add value to their company operations. The program also seeks to educate companies on economic development initiatives, regional priorities, and other work conducted by GGEDC and its partners. By connecting different organizations and businesses, the program functions to align state, regional, and local economic development goals for maximum impact.
The BRE survey gathers actionable information in five key target areas:
- Basic company information, including current points of contact, major suppliers, and customers
- Year-over-year business data and projections related to the company's operations
- Existing facilities, infrastructure needs, and expansion plans
- Workforce, staffing, and training needs
- Company perceptions regarding the various factors impacting the overall business climate in McKinley County
By gaining insight into these areas, GGEDC is able to stay informed on local needs, formulate strategies and potential solutions, and help build mutually beneficial relationships throughout McKinley County.