Target Industries
GGEDC has partnered with the State of New Mexico Economic Development Department (NMEDD) and the New Mexico Environment Department to champion unique initiatives, most notably the initiatves below.
Regional Hydrogen Hub Initiative
Spurred by the interest by a major corporation to purchase the Escalante Generating Station, a former coal-fired power plant in Prewitt, NM, with the aim of transitioning it to hydrogen-fueled, GGEDC has been planning the development of the Prewitt Industrial Park near the plant. GGEDC is targeting companies for the industrial park that that can be used by end users in the planned Prewitt Industrial Park. As a result, GGEDC is targeting industries that require large amounts of heat, or electricity, or who will use locally produced hydrogen directly in their operations.
Autonomous Vehicle Testing / Mobility Investment District
Following the completion of the New Mexico Mobility Strategy (NMMS) and the identification of a recommended mobility hub in Gallup, a review with the Greater Gallup Economic Development Corporation (GGEDC) led to interest to advance the region as mobility leader in the State. Based upon Gallup’s location as the gateway to New Mexico on Interstate 40 and its long history as the center of logistics and transportation for Northwest New Mexico, it is appropriate for Gallup to take on the leadership role in adopting new transportation technologies in New Mexico.
Toward developing the Gallup Mobility Investment District (GMID), GGEDC crafted the scope of this project to be a City of Gallup economic development initiative to create assets that will support long-term investment and jobs in the City and the wider region. Working from the direction recommended in the NMMS, the focus of this project is to establish Gallup as an important hub for the testing, development and deployment of new truck technologies. GGEDC is partnering with McKinley County and several trucking and hydrogen companies to design a state-of-the-art testing facility and track on property managed by McKinley County to test and deploy large autonomous trucks and other vehicles. We anticipate that the testing facilities will spur interest among AV-related tech companies to locate operations in Gallup.
Carbon Coal Road
Carbon Coal Road is a 5.2-mile 4-laned public County Road and highway that serves as the industrial access road from U.S. Highway 491 – the primary north-south corridor between Farmington, NM, Colorado, and the 4-Corners Region - to the Gallup Energy Logistics Park (GELP), a Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway (BNSF) Certified Site. With 12-foot lanes and 8-ft shoulders, the road is designed to accommodate heavy truck traffic and to facilitate fast truck-rail service access for companies located along the road. At a total cost of $30 million, the road was completed and opened in November, 2022. The road supports transloading operations at GELP. In addition, the road is the principal access to two properties McKinley County is developing primarily to lease: the 40-acre McKinley County Industrial Park; and a 640-acre New Mexico State Land Office-owned parcel closer to GELP. A location on the second parcel slated for the development of an Autonomous Vehicle (truck) testing track and facility.