2023 Economic Development Week “Using Our Home Field Advantage to Grow the Gallup-McKinley County Economy” Showcases Multiple Sources of Economic Development in the Greater Gallup Area
May 3, 2023
Economic development is at the core of well-being and quality of life for communities across the United States. It is a group of policies, programs, and activities that seek to create and retain jobs and ultimately facilitate economic growth. Each year, the 2nd week in May marks Economic Development Week. Created in 2016 by the International Economic Development Council (IEDC), the week serves to increase awareness of local programs that create jobs, advance career development opportunities, and improve communities’ quality of life everywhere.
Over the last seven years, together with multiple community partners, Greater Gallup Economic Development Corporation (GGEDC) has observed Economic Development Week with various activities and events. We are proud to join the 450+ campaigns that have been created throughout the United States and Canada, generating millions of impressions, hundreds of news stories, blog entries, videos, events and other activities. Campaigns have occurred in all 50 states, and over 40 communities, including Gallup, are officially proclaiming Economic Development Week.
This year, from May 7-12, daily in-person events will take place, including presentations and discussions on topics ranging from how to start a business in Gallup, to creating more housing, to generating and training the workforce we need, to exploring new economic opportunities in the tourism industry. Of special note, the New Mexico Cabinet Secretaries from the Department of Workforce Solutions and the Tourism Department will present keynote addresses followed by panel discussions on Wednesday May 10th and Friday, May 12th at 1 pm each day.
This year, Economic Development Week offers a little of everything for everyone and a lot to be very excited about. As in past years, the Gallup Independent is running daily columns featuring community organizations that are doing their part to grow the economy in Gallup and McKinley County. The columnists and names of various events will play on baseball themes as they pitch their angle on local economic development efforts and impacts to highlight our multiple home field advantages.
A complete listing of events with links for registering for events and links to live streamed content is available at: VisitGallup.com/Economic-Development-Week.
The Impact Radio Show on Sunday, May 7th airing early in the morning features Matt Robinson, Tourism & Marketing Manager at the City of Gallup, Rose Eason, Executive Director of gallupARTS, and Bruce Armstrong, Economic Development Manager at GGEDC, discussing various economic development accomplishments and challenges in GallupMcKinley County and highlights of Economic Development Week with show host Sammy Chioda. IMPACT, a 30-minute Public Affairs Feature of Millennium Media, Inc., covers topical themes that pertain to Gallup, McKinley County, and neighboring Reservation Communities of the Navajo Nation and Pueblo of Zuni. IMPACT airs each Sunday on these stations:
- 6:00 a.m. on 94.5 FM, K Y A T, YAH-TEH-DINE, NAVAJO COUNTRY
- 6:30 a.m. on 93.7 FM, CLASSIC ROCK, 93 X
- 8:00 a.m. on 103.7 FM, CLASSIC HITS K Y V A, KEEVA
- 8:00 a.m. on 98.3 FM & 1230 AM, ROCKIN' OLDIES KEEVA, K Y V A
Several events will be live streamed, as follows:
On Monday May 8th at 5:30 pm, Patty Lundstrom, Executive Director, GGEDC, will present: "The Economic Development Outlook in Gallup & McKinley County: Playing for the Long Game with Our Home Field Advantage."
On Wednesday May 10th, the following events will be live streamed:
- Workforce Training Programs at 9 a.m. · https://goto.unm.edu/gp1
- Workforce Development Programs at 10:45 a.m. · https://goto.unm.edu/gp2
- Developing the Workforce in McKinley County: Needs + Approaches at 2 p.m. · https://goto.unm.edu/gp3
GGEDC extends a very heartfelt thanks to the many organizations and volunteers involved in organizing, hosting, recording, publicizing, and live streaming events to help celebrate this year's Economic Development Week:
- Greater Gallup Economic Development Corporation
- New Mexico Economic Development Department
- City of Gallup - Tourism & Marketing Department
- City of Gallup - Housing & Economic Development Program
- The University of New Mexico-Gallup
- Small Business Development Center at UNM-Gallup
- gallupARTS
- Gallup-McKinley County Chamber of Commerce
- Gallup McKinley County Schools
- Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments
- McKinley County
- Southwest Indian Foundation
- HELP-New Mexico, Inc.
- New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
- New Mexico Tourism Department
We look forward to joining community members, businesses of all sizes, entrepreneurs, and public officials IN-PERSON at multiple events in the community celebrating this year's Economic Development Week.