Mainstreet advances agenda
April 7, 2017
Liz Hannum, the executive director of MainStreet, briefed the Gallup City Council on the progress of MainStreet at the March 28 city council meeting. And, Rose Eason, the executive director at GallupArts, briefed council members on the progress happening at GallupArts at the same meeting.
Neither subject called for formal council votes. They were listed on the meeting agenda as information items and were introduced via visual aids.
Hannum told council members that for the past five months there is growth at MainStreet. MainStreet, per se, is part of New Mexico’s Economic Development Department. Hannum said becoming accredited by New Mexico MainStreet is the top priority of the organization.
Accreditation and making the organization available for grants and other financial opportunities, is something that is a priority within MainStreet, Hannum said.
MainStreet combines historic preservation with asset-based economic development to work with local affiliates and partners in rebuilding Main Streets. Gallup’s MainStreet must attain three goals in order to be certified as a program: Those goals are hiring an executive director, participating in fundraising, in which the city is a primary sponsor, and organizing a board of directors with established goals, Hannum said during the presentation.