Secretary Geisel Announces LEADS and Solo Worker Grants for New Mexico Communities
June 5, 2018
Santa Fe, N.M. - Today, Economic Development Secretary Matt Geisel, announced $156,850 in Local Economic Assistance & Development Support Program (LEADS) grants to 16 communities across the state as well as $66,500 in Solo Worker grants to 3 communities. The grants will fund a variety of economic development projects throughout New Mexico and support the continued growth of our state and local economy.
"These community development grants will further our work to grow and diversify New Mexico's economy," said Economic Development Secretary Matt Geisel. "These LEADS and Solo Worker grants will promote job creation, corporate recruitment and business development. With the awarded funds, communities are able to invest in themselves and foster change in their own backyards."
LEADS project types are categorized as attraction, business retention & expansion, workforce development, tech & entrepreneur, start up, and real estate. Grant funding per project typically ranges from $3,000-$15,000.
The Solo Worker program received special funding from the New Mexico Legislature for FY19. Solo Worker recipients are awarded on a post-performance outcome basis. Grow Raton received $21,000, Cibola CEDF received $38,500, and Sandoval County received $7,000.
The Following Communities/Community Organizations Received LEADS Funding:
- Greater Gallup EDC - $15,000
- Grow Raton - $15,000
- LEA County EDC - $15,000
- Clovis Industrial DC - $15,000
- Carslbad DOD - $15,000
- MVEDA - $15,000
- Four Corners ED - $7,000
- Lovington EDC - $10,000
- Los Lunas - $6,000
- City of Las Cruces - $6,100
- Deming Luna County EDC - $5,000
- Cibola Communities EDF - $9,000
- Anton Chico EDC - $3,000
- Otero County EDC - $6,000
- Santa Fe County - $8,000
- Mora County EDC - $6,750
The LEADS Program was created in 2016 to help communities develop successful and sustainable economic outcomes. The New Mexico Economic Development Department's Community, Business and Rural Development Team works with community groups to identify projects and prepare the application. More information on eligibility and the application process may be found at
Contact: Kevin Kelley
(505) 827-0309