Greater Gallup Is Moving Forward as a State-Certified EDO
February 15, 2023
Great Gallup Economic Development Corporation (GGEDC) is one of seven community-based Economic Development Organizations (EDOs) recognized for state certification by the New Mexico Economic Development Department (NMEDD) because of the high level of expertise and technical support GGEDC delivers to the community. This certification exemplifies a new level of prestige and funding.
Economic Development Deputy Cabinet Secretary Jon Clark announced the Certified EDO awardees at the New Mexico Governor’s Statewide Conference on Economic Development last fall. The certification can be renewed for up to 10 years, with each organization eligible for up to $40,000 annually, depending upon annual recertification and funding availability.
What Does Being a Certified EDO Mean?
“The certification recognizes more than ever that no one can go it alone anymore. Economic development is a team sport, and the state needs to work hand-in-hand with strong community partners to create better paying jobs across New Mexico and build family wealth,” said New Mexico Economic Development Cabinet Secretary Alicia J. Keyes.
Businesses relocating, starting up, or expanding to the Greater Gallup region not only have the support of GGEDC’s expertise, but they also have the backing and attention of the state. Through the Certified EDO program, The New Mexico Economic Development Department supports GGEDC in building capacity within their organizations so that they are able to provide economic development services and support to their community. The program emphasizes the importance of having a strong, well-rounded, and well-prepared EDO at the local level.
GGEDC’s History of Excellence
GGEDC is no stranger to winning awards. At the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) 2021 Annual Conference, GGEDC won a Gold Rank award in the category of Business Retention and Expansion for its McKinley Paper Company Expansion. This is a notable achievement, considering the IEDC has over 5,000 members and received over 500 submissions from four countries in 25 categories.
Moving Forward and Building on Our Assets
FY 2022 was a particularly productive year for GGEDC. Multiple GGEDC-planned and backed projects came to fruition. To list a few examples:
- Commercial air service was restored to the Gallup Municipal Airport (GUP) after a year hiatus. An EDA-funded CARES Act Recovery Assistance planning grant helped fund the airport study that paved the way. A subsequent EDA grant is presently funding a makeover of the Gallup Municipal Airport terminal.
- GGEDC partnered with GLD Partners to conduct the Gallup Mobility Investment District Plan & Report to determine a location for the Gallup Mobility Hub (for testing Autonomous Vehicles) within the Gallup-McKinley area.
- The 4-laned Carbon Coal Road was opened as a gateway to regional opportunity — a project seven years in the making. The highway provides trucks easy access to the Gallup Energy Logistics Park (GELP) from U.S. Highway 491, the major north-south thoroughfare connecting Gallup with Farmington, NM, Colorado, and the greater 4-Corners region. Carbon Coal Road supports the further development of GELP as an emerging, critical warehousing and regional logistics hub. GGEDC worked with the City of Gallup, McKinley County, the New Mexico Department of Transportation, the Navajo Nation, Gallup Land Partners, and others to secure $23 million to build the road.
- GGEDC has convened three Hydrogen-themed Economic Roundtables since June 2022. The Roundtables have showcased the promise not only for hydrogen to be produced to restore electric generation operations to the Escalante Generating Station in Prewitt, NM, but for New Mexico — as part of a 4-State Hydrogen Hub collaborative initiative along with the states of Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming — to be a leader in developing the hydrogen technologies, infrastructure, and vision needed and become one of 6–10 federally designated regional Hydrogen Hubs. The Hydrogen Hub proposal will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Energy this spring.
- For over three years, GGEDC and its partner, the Southwest Indian Foundation (SWIF), have administered the Greater Gallup Industrial Workforce Training Program pilot initiative as part of its business retention and expansion efforts. GGEDC has transitioned the administration of the successful EDA-funded pilot program to SWIF and helped SWIF to obtain a $750,000 grant through President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) to move the Industrial Workforce Program forward.
Greater Gallup Economic Development Development Corporation
GGEDC expertly works to support economic-based businesses, be they industrial, small businesses, or entrepreneurs. Reach out to us at (505) 722-2980 or via email to see how we can help today! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn!