New Mexico Economic Development Department Approves 23 Certified Communities Initiative Applications
August 21, 2012
August 21, 2012
New MexicoEconomic Development Department Approves 23 Certified Communities Initiative Applications, Awards $179,000 to
Communities for Economic Development Efforts
SANTA FE - Economic Development Secretary Jon Barela and the Community, Business, and Rural Development Team have approved 23 applications for the current three-year program cycle of the Certified Community Initiative program (CCI). In total the department awarded $179,000 in CCI funding.
The assistance provided by CCI is intended to create new jobs as well as increase community pride, help improve communities and the overall state of New Mexico’s economic condition. New standards for receiving funding were also incorporated into the CCI program by the New Mexico Economic Development Department (NMEDD).
“The CCI program has been strengthened and improved by the implementation of new standards,” Secretary Barela said. “Requirements such as having a full-time paid economic developer on staff, or for smaller communities banding together to apply as a region, builds economic development capacity at the local level. The communities that received CCI designation have earned this distinction.”
CCI communities can be counties, federally recognized Indian Tribes or incorporated municipalities. Each community must meet 13 mandatory requirements for certification all focused on job creation and economic development. Once implemented, communities are required to recertify every three years.
Communities certified under the Certified Communities Initiative will receive the following benefits: A community applicant will receive contractual funding of up to $5,000, per year for three years. A regional applicant will receive funding of up to $10,000 plus $1,000 per additional community, per year for three years and the CCI Capacity Assistance Phase applicants receive $2,500 per year for eligible projects to reach CCI application status. The funding is to be used towards special projects such as; workforce studies, grant writers, training expenses and economic development impact studies. Additional benefits of becoming a Certified Community include; increased marketing exposure through website link to NMEDD website and recognition via certificate, plaque presentation, NMEDD press release and recognition in NMEDD marketing materials.
The following list represents communities approved for the CCI program:
Sandoval County $2,500.00
Santa Fe County $2,500.00
Village of Los Lunas $2,500.00
Village of Ruidoso $2,500.00
Single Community Applicants
City of Artesia $5,000.00
City of Alamogordo $5,000.00
City of Hobbs $5,000.00
Pueblo of Pojoaque $5,000.00
Cibola County $5,000.00
City of Santa Fe $5,000.00
City of Lovington $5,000.00
City of Rio Rancho $5,000.00
Town of Clayton $5,000.00
Regional Applications
Estancia Valley $15,000.00
Torrance County
Roswell-Chaves County $12,000.00
City of Roswell
Town of Dexter
Town of Hagerman
Southwest NM Council of Governments $18,000.00
Catron County
Village of Reserve
Hidalgo County
City of Lordsburg
Village of Virden
Grant County
Town of Silver City
Village of Santa Clara
Town of Hurley
Deming-Luna County ED, Inc $11,000.00
Luna County
City of Deming
Regional Development Corporation $11,000.00
City of Espanola
Rio Arriba County
Las Vegas-San Miguel EDC $11,000.00
City of Las Vegas
San Miguel County
Greater Gallup EDC $11,000.00
City of Gallup
McKinley County
Carlsbad Department of Development $11,000.00
City of Carlsbad
Eddy County
EDC of Lea County $13,000.00
County of Lea
City of Eunice
City of Jal
Town of Tatum
Clovis Industrial Development Corp. $11,000.00
City of Clovis
Curry County
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Angela Heisel (505) 827-0309